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Center for Research and Creative Activity

研究和创造性活动中心将教师与响应性和综合性资源联系起来,以促进研究的流动性, scholarship and creative activity.

Supporting growth and connecting faculty to resources

研究和创造性活动中心(CRCA)为教师提供从想法到影响的支持,因为他们准备, conduct, and share their research. CRCA is a key part of the Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem. Center support lies in responsiveness (i.e., reactive, just-in-time) and preparedness (i.e., proactive investment and training).

We enhance faculty success in research mobilization, cross-campus and community connectivity, and growth as research leaders through streamlined services. 服务包括一站式商店,用于连接所需的结构,以支持通过协助教师发展产生影响的想法, secure, and improve their research and creative activity goals. We provide:

  • Tactical support
  • Research strategy and mentoring
  • Education
  • Training
  • Project management
  • Leadership
  • Professional Development.

About the Center for Research and Creative Activity

Services Offered

研究和创造性活动中心将教师与响应性和综合性资源联系起来,以促进研究的流动性, scholarship, and creative activity. 点击下面的链接,了解更多关于这些服务的信息,以及CRCA如何帮助您实现下一个发现或创意项目.

Boise State campus education building

Research Development

CRCA在研究计划准备的各个方面提供前端咨询, as well as strategic project planning. 阅读下面的更多信息,或点击链接访问研究开发页面.

Learn More about Research Development

Metal bronco statue in the Boise State quad

Education and Training

CRCA sponsors seminars, workshops, events, 以及异步培训,以支持教师发展,并在整个研究和创造性活动生态系统中成功地准备拨款和研究提案.

Learn More about Education and Training

hot air balloons float over friendship bridge on a clear morning

Programmatic Sustainability (PMI)

CRCA为研究和创新活动生态系统中的主要研究人员提供项目管理和协调支持 . Services include support in project onboarding, operations, communication, strategic planning, reporting, and special requests.

Learn More about Programmatic Sustainability

Upcoming Events

Assessment and Evaluation Workshop

Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem: CRCA Expertise

At Boise State University, 研究与创新活动中心(CRCA)在支持主要研究人员及其项目的生命周期方面至关重要. 与主要研究人员及其学院和部门行政人员携手合作, CRCA提供专门的协助,以导航在研究和创造性活动(RCA)生态系统的旅程.

CRCA’s contributions to the RCA Ecosystem:

  • Capacity Building: 通过团队建设提供指导重点,以增加研究和创造性活动, educational programming, just-in-time training, and targeted research development opportunities.
  • Strategy: 为研究计划准备的各个方面提供前端咨询,包括工具, templates, timelines, strategic project planning, and reviewing and editing proposals.
  • Sustainability: 提供提案管理和协调服务,使调查人员能够更多地专注于研究,而不是行政职责.

Boise State has honed the process into seven steps. Do you need full support along the way? We built a path that takes you from start to finish. 但对于那些需要在其中一个、两个或几个步骤中得到支持的人来说,你并不孤单. 365体育已经建立了一个系统,允许你选择你自己的冒险,并在你需要的时候进入任何这些步骤. Let’s have a conversation to help you get started.

Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem

When to work with the Center for Research and Creative Activity

在步骤1中,研究与创意活动中心(CRCA)与研究与创意活动生态系统中的研究人员和项目主管进行互动, 2, 3 and 6. Below are examples of ways CRCA supports this process:

  • Step 1: Generate Idea: Research Development can work with you to brainstorm, network with peers, develop a team and explore ideas. We can provide consultation on generating ideas, build an affinity group around your ideas, provide guided brainstorming facilitation for groups, and partner in developing collaborations.
  • Step 2: Find Funding: 研究发展咨询策略,寻找校外资助机会与您的研究和创造性活动相一致. 365体育传播资助机会和管理有限提交电话. We support and promote opportunities to interface with program officers.
  • Step 3: Prepare Proposal: Research Development prioritizes large-scale, 多研究者的努力,并根据研究团队的需要和提议的工作范围提供一系列提案开发服务和资源. 365体育是您翻译招标要求和标准的思想伙伴, funder priorities, team strengths, and your scholarship into competitive proposals.
  • Step 6: Manage Award: Hire a research project manager. 参与项目管理计划,聘请一位训练有素的协调员或经理来支持您资助的项目的计划性管理.

Discover funding opportunities with Funding Blast

365体育邀请您访问365体育365体育项目量身定制的各种资助机会策划中心. 此订阅有助于打开大门,以支持创新研究和创造性努力的众多赠款和倡议.

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Take advantage of these opportunities! 订阅定期更新,确保您始终处于可用资金的最前沿,以支持您的努力.

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